• Las instalaciones on-premise o auto-hospedadas son más complejas de instalar y solucionar problemas, por lo que requieren soporte técnico de pago. Para soporte gratuito, pruebe primero con 3CX StartUP o una instalación hospedada por 3CX, usando un proveedor de Troncal SIP soportado.

spa3102 muchas dudas

Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.
aver bueno te estas mezclando la informacion el tema quedaria algo asi.
decime si asi lo entendes mejor.
Ok hugo si muy bueno el grafico si lo entendi...nuestro proveedor de internet donde esta la central tiene su ip publica es ip fija entonces en el pap2t que esta con otro proveedor (personal) le pongo la ip publica de la central para hacer la prueba...voy a chequear nuevamente los puertos de ambos lados...el tema de STUN server donde iria???...bueno ire investigando...muchas gracias...SAludos!
Hugo...sacame de esta duda...mira cuando probe el tunel con el 3cxphone con la conexion esta de personal 3g en el router edimax 6200 n que tengo todo anduvo al pelo hable y todo llame al spa3102 a su analogo conectado...o sea que la configuracion del firewall de un lado con del otro eta bien ya que posibilito esa prueba....ahora que puede estar fallando...te cuento que la central ya tenia el STUN habilitado...vos configuraste alguna vez un pap2t via router 3g edimax 6200 n? la verdad estoy renegando un monton con esto jejeje...muchas gracias....saludos!
No sabia que estas con una conexion 3G, me preocupa, ya que todo lo q es 3CX se encuentra PROXYADO, y si esta proxyado no tenes posibilidad de saber q pasa y que no pasa...., y aparte el ancho de banda despues de un cierto consumo se limta a 56K, no sera ese tu problema????????
Muchas gracias hugo x tu respuesta...es asi tengo un modem de personal 3g con un router edimax 6200n...y en la lan de la empresa tengo un conexion punto a punto via fibra optica con nuestro proveedor aqui es donde tengo la centralita...todavia no consumi los 3gb para perder el 3g pero = es un lio...te cuento que cuando conecto el pap2t a un lan del edimax lo configuro al pelo todo DHCP pero cuando conecto el modem 3g en el edimax se tilda....un desastre...tratare de probar el pap2t con un adsl de arnet que tenemos en otra oficina....espero ahi funcione con todo lo que me recomendaste hacer...la duda que necesito si podes sacarme...como te puse en el post anterior....si funciona el tunel con los softphones desde el 3g de personal quiere decir que mi firewall de la lan donde esta la central esta con los puertos debidamente abiertos y redireccionados??? para probar con el adsl que te dije....muchas gracias....saludos
No necesariamente aunque realmente podrias ser asi, el Tunner del 3CX Sohtphone utiliza un puerto distinto al resto, el cual hace una especie de VPN.
te recomendaria que te conectes con un Softphone x-lite, si asi se conecta y se escucha bien es que tenes todos los puertos bien direccionados.
Hola Hugo, acabo de instalar el X-lite 3.0 probe llamando a un fijo via pstn y escuche al pelo como asi tambien a mi me escucharon...bueno aparentemente todo lo que es apertura y reenvio de puertos esta ok...lo que no probe es llamando desde el X-lite via tunel....saludos!
@hg wrote:aver bueno te estas mezclando la informacion el tema quedaria algo asi.
decime si asi lo entendes mejor.

Jeje, como te lo has currado HG.

Un abrazo.
Hugo trate de configurar el tunel con el X-lite despues de renegar un poco logre que se registre pero a veces se produce el sgte error "registration error:408 REquest timeout. En un intento se conecto y me registro la central un rato digamos...intente llamar desde esa extension 100 desde la notebook a mi pc y nada me sale error...hice al reves llame desde mi extension 101 a la 100 y ahi si llamo al pelo...pero se desconecta...te paso como configure la cuenta SIP en el x-lite en notebook para tunel:

User name: 100
Auth user name:100
Domain (ip donde esta la central)

Domain proxy

Send outbound via:
proxy: Address (puse la ip publica)

pestaña TOPOLOGY:
IP address
seleccionado discover global address
Stun server (nada)
Enable ICE
SErver address: IP publica
Use sip name and password
user name 100
password 100

me registra pero demora bastante y antes me da el error que te mencione y no puedo llamar a esta extension via tunel...sera problemas de puertos o estoy configurando mal el x-lite??? muchas gracias....saludos
No, el tema es que no tiene Tunnel el 3CX, como si el 3CX softphone registra puerto contra puerto directamente por eso te digo que si registra y escuchas estan todos los puertos perfectamente.

La conf es aglo asi

usr: (ext)
pass: pass
Auth usr: (ext)
Domain: (ip extde la central)
Nat: Stun.3cx.com

con esos datos y los puertos de 3cx en los rangos que corresponde como por ej SIP en el 5060 tiene que andar.
sino falta configuracion de puertos.
@aesteve wrote:mad:hg wrote:aver bueno te estas mezclando la informacion el tema quedaria algo asi.
decime si asi lo entendes mejor.

Jeje, como te lo has currado HG.

Un abrazo.
Ajajajjaa GRACIAS ALEEE me gusta hacer dibujitos....!!! saludos....
Hugo trate de registrar una extension remota desde una casa via adsl modem encore endsl-A2+4RR(AR) hice apertura y reenvio de los puertos en los dos lados digamos y nada...le hice una prueba de firewall en la central y tengo estos resultados haber si vos podes interpretarlos mejor que yo....te cuento que la pasarela skype funciona al pelo pude configurarla en unico obstaculo que tengo es esto de las extensiones remotas....muchas gracias...saludos!

3CX Firewall Checker, v1.0. Copyright (C) 3CX Ltd. All rights reserved.

: Phase 1, checking servers connection, please wait...
: Stun Checker service is reachable. Phase 1 check passed.
: Phase 2a, Check Port Forwarding to UDP SIP port, please wait...
: UDP SIP Port is set to 5060. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41959::5060. Phase 2a check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality will be LIMITED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html

: Phase 2b. Check Port Forwarding to TCP SIP port, please wait...
: TCP SIP Port is set to 5060. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41959::5060. Phase 2b check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality will be LIMITED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html

: Phase 3. Check Port Forwarding to TCP Tunnel port, please wait...
: TCP TUNNEL Port is set to 5090. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41965::5090. Phase 3 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality will be LIMITED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html

: Phase 4. Check Port Forwarding to RTP external port range, please wait...
: UDP RTP Port 9000. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41966::9000. Phase 4-01 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9001. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41967::9001. Phase 4-02 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9002. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41968::9002. Phase 4-03 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9003. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41969::9003. Phase 4-04 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9004. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41970::9004. Phase 4-05 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9005. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41971::9005. Phase 4-06 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9006. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41972::9006. Phase 4-07 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9007. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41973::9007. Phase 4-08 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9008. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41974::9008. Phase 4-09 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9009. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41975::9009. Phase 4-10 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9010. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41976::9010. Phase 4-11 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9011. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41977::9011. Phase 4-12 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9012. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41978::9012. Phase 4-13 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9013. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41979::9013. Phase 4-14 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9014. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41980::9014. Phase 4-15 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9015. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41981::9015. Phase 4-16 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9016. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41982::9016. Phase 4-17 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9017. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41983::9017. Phase 4-18 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9018. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41984::9018. Phase 4-19 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9019. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41985::9019. Phase 4-20 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9020. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41986::9020. Phase 4-21 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9021. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41987::9021. Phase 4-22 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9022. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41988::9022. Phase 4-23 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9023. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41989::9023. Phase 4-24 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9024. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41990::9024. Phase 4-25 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9025. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41991::9025. Phase 4-26 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9026. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41992::9026. Phase 4-27 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9027. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41993::9027. Phase 4-28 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9028. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41994::9028. Phase 4-29 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9029. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41996::9029. Phase 4-30 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9030. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41997::9030. Phase 4-31 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9031. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41998::9031. Phase 4-32 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9032. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 41999::9032. Phase 4-33 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9033. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42000::9033. Phase 4-34 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9034. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42001::9034. Phase 4-35 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9035. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42002::9035. Phase 4-36 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http ://www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9036. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42003::9036. Phase 4-37 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9037. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42004::9037. Phase 4-38 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9038. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42005::9038. Phase 4-39 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9039. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42006::9039. Phase 4-40 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9040. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42007::9040. Phase 4-41 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9041. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42008::9041. Phase 4-42 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9042. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42009::9042. Phase 4-43 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9043. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42010::9043. Phase 4-44 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9044. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42011::9044. Phase 4-45 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9045. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42012::9045. Phase 4-46 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9046. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42013::9046. Phase 4-47 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9047. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42014::9047. Phase 4-48 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9048. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42015::9048. Phase 4-49 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html
: UDP RTP Port 9049. Response received WITH TRANSLATION 42016::9049. Phase 4-50 check passed with WARNINGS. Some functionality may be IMPAIRED. For more information, please visit http: //www.3cx.com/support/firewall-checker.html

Application exit code is 53
Hugo comentame que opinas de la prueba del firewall...otra novedad...en el pap2t me salia en status o register ahi en line 1 la frase "can´t conecct to server" bueno cambie en nat por YES y tambien no le habia puesto en gateway la ip del modem encore ahora me sale en register status OFFLINE ahi estaria mejor...=mente no se registra pero sera ahora problem com mi firewall local donde esta la central....aqu tenemos un FORTINET 60B....bue espero tus comentarios....muchas gracias...saldudos
Bueno evidentemente el problema esta a nivel de NAT, igual antes que nada te pregunto: tienes solo los puertos direccionados de 3CX? o tienes otros puertos tambien, como saber el funcionamiento de estos... hagamos una cosa aver que te parece y asi nos evitamos problemas con el forti podes genrar una vpn, ahora el otro router acepta vpns??... intenta generar una entre los dos equipos y asi todo quedara a nivel local, con eso estoy seguro que va a funcionar, pegate una leida en el blog de 3cx a este posto (no es por dejarte de lado con el soporte que te paso estos post, sino para que de paso leas un poco y puedas interiorizarte del tema).
https://www.3cx.com/blog/voip-howto/nat-stun-network-configuration/ .
que te parece?
Hugo que tal...muchas gracias por tu respuesta...te cuento aparte de los puertos que usa la 3cx tenemos otros abiertos y reenviandose en el fortinet que son para un sistema de seguimiento satelital que tenemos implementado...estos son los puertos:

Voy a intentar tu sugerencia de la VPN y te cuento los resultados...saludos!
PEro esos puertos o mejor dicho las redirecciones funcionan bien!!!... no?, fijate miralo y comentame.
Hugo que tal...si esos puertos con el forwarding funcionan al pelo en el forti...todavia no pude probar lo de la VPN...calculo que hoy hago las pruebas y te estare comentando...Saludos!
perfecto espero ancioso tu respuesta ya quiero que esto funcione por puro orgullo personal...jajaja
Hugo Querido!! te voy a dar una gran sorpresa para que te sientas mas orgulloso todavia....pude registrar la extension remota!! reconfiguramos el fortinet y luego de hacer la prueba de firewall via 3cx nos habilito los puertos...para ello actualizamos el firmware de nuestro forti...espero esto le sirva a cualquiera que tenga unos aparatos como nosotros...asi que de una despues de esto la extension 106 ubicada a 30 km se registro apareciendo con la anciada luz verde...todavia no probe como se escucha la voz en la extension remota ya que alla no hay nadie mañana mando alguna persona para probar...si llame alla y me atendio el fax que estaconectado....bueno Estimado...espero tu respuesta....Quedo pendiente lo de la VPN...cualquier otra consulta que me surga te estare escribiendo....hasta pronto!! muchas gracias! SAludos!
Bueno, es una gran noticia realmente, ya hasta estaba dudando de mis conocimientos ajaja.. en fin.. bueno una muy buena prueba es intentar mandar un fax si te da ok la transmision es que funciona perfecto el audio en 2 sentidos.
recorda para fax usar un ata compatible con t.38 y un codec g711.

Saludos y avisame cualquier cosa.
un abrazo...
Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.
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