• Las instalaciones on-premise o auto-hospedadas son más complejas de instalar y solucionar problemas, por lo que requieren soporte técnico de pago. Para soporte gratuito, pruebe primero con 3CX StartUP o una instalación hospedada por 3CX, usando un proveedor de Troncal SIP soportado.

IP Publica

Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.


9 Mar 2017
Estimados, ya instalé 3cx. El sistema detectó la IP Pública (un ejemplo). Terminado los pasos de instalación, indica que puedes ingresar a la consola por el URL o por vía IP. Puedo ingresar por URL, pero no por la vía IP. ¿Qué puede estar sucediendo?
Estimado mauro,
buenas tardes:
Te solicito realices la prueba de Firewall

y chequees la apertura de todos los puertos correspondientes
2) recuerdes añadir a la IP el :5001
aguardo tus comentarios
Estimado, realice la prueba de firewall y arrojo esto:
Prueba de Firewall
resolving 'stun.3cx.com'... done
resolving 'stun2.3cx.com'... done
resolving 'stun3.3cx.com'... done
testing 3CX SIP Server... failed (How to resolve?)
stopping service... done
testing port 5060... failed
testing port 5060... full cone test failed
starting service... done
testing 3CX Tunneling Proxy... failed (How to resolve?)
stopping service... done
testing port 5090... failed
testing port 5090... full cone test failed
starting service... done
testing 3CX Media Server... failed (How to resolve?)
stopping service... done
testing ports [9000..9255]... failed
testing port 9000... full cone test failed
testing port 9001... full cone test failed
testing port 9002... full cone test failed
testing port 9003... full cone test failed
testing port 9004... full cone test failed
testing port 9005... full cone test failed
testing port 9006... full cone test failed
testing port 9007... full cone test failed
testing port 9008... full cone test failed
testing port 9009... full cone test failed
testing port 9010... full cone test failed
testing port 9011... full cone test failed
testing port 9012... full cone test failed
testing port 9013... full cone test failed
testing port 9014... full cone test failed
testing port 9015... full cone test failed
testing port 9016... full cone test failed
testing port 9017... full cone test failed
testing port 9018... full cone test failed
testing port 9019... full cone test failed
testing port 9020... full cone test failed
testing port 9021... full cone test failed
testing port 9022... full cone test failed
testing port 9023... full cone test failed
testing port 9024... full cone test failed
testing port 9025... full cone test failed
testing port 9026... full cone test failed
testing port 9027... full cone test failed
testing port 9028... full cone test failed
testing port 9029... full cone test failed
testing port 9030... full cone test failed
testing port 9031... full cone test failed
testing port 9032... full cone test failed
testing port 9033... full cone test failed
testing port 9034... full cone test failed
testing port 9035... full cone test failed
testing port 9036... full cone test failed
testing port 9037... full cone test failed
testing port 9038... full cone test failed
testing port 9039... full cone test failed
testing port 9040... full cone test failed
testing port 9041... full cone test failed
testing port 9042... full cone test failed
testing port 9043... full cone test failed
testing port 9044... full cone test failed
testing port 9045... full cone test failed
testing port 9046... full cone test failed
testing port 9047... full cone test failed
testing port 9048... full cone test failed
testing port 9049... full cone test failed
testing port 9050... full cone test failed
testing port 9051... full cone test failed
testing port 9052... full cone test failed
testing port 9053... full cone test failed
testing port 9054... full cone test failed
testing port 9055... full cone test failed
testing port 9056... full cone test failed
testing port 9057... full cone test failed
testing port 9058... full cone test failed
testing port 9059... full cone test failed
testing port 9060... full cone test failed
testing port 9061... full cone test failed
testing port 9062... full cone test failed
testing port 9063... full cone test failed
testing port 9064... full cone test failed
testing port 9065... full cone test failed
testing port 9066... full cone test failed
testing port 9067... full cone test failed
testing port 9068... full cone test failed
testing port 9069... full cone test failed
testing port 9070... full cone test failed
testing port 9071... full cone test failed
testing port 9072... full cone test failed
testing port 9073... full cone test failed
testing port 9074... full cone test failed
testing port 9075... full cone test failed
testing port 9076... full cone test failed
testing port 9077... full cone test failed
testing port 9078... full cone test failed
testing port 9079... full cone test failed
testing port 9080... full cone test failed
testing port 9081... full cone test failed
testing port 9082... full cone test failed
testing port 9083... full cone test failed
testing port 9084... full cone test failed
testing port 9085... full cone test failed
testing port 9086... full cone test failed
testing port 9087... full cone test failed
testing port 9088... full cone test failed
testing port 9089... full cone test failed
testing port 9090... full cone test failed
testing port 9091... full cone test failed
testing port 9092... full cone test failed
testing port 9093... full cone test failed
testing port 9094... full cone test failed
testing port 9095... full cone test failed
testing port 9096... full cone test failed
testing port 9097... full cone test failed
testing port 9098... full cone test failed
testing port 9099... full cone test failed
testing port 9100... full cone test failed
testing port 9101... full cone test failed
testing port 9102... full cone test failed
testing port 9103... full cone test failed
testing port 9104... full cone test failed
testing port 9105... full cone test failed
testing port 9106... full cone test failed
testing port 9107... full cone test failed
testing port 9108... full cone test failed
testing port 9109... full cone test failed
testing port 9110... full cone test failed
testing port 9111... full cone test failed
testing port 9112... full cone test failed
testing port 9113... full cone test failed
testing port 9114... full cone test failed
testing port 9115... full cone test failed
testing port 9116... full cone test failed
testing port 9117... full cone test failed
testing port 9118... full cone test failed
testing port 9119... full cone test failed
testing port 9120... full cone test failed
testing port 9121... full cone test failed
testing port 9122... full cone test failed
testing port 9123... full cone test failed
testing port 9124... full cone test failed
testing port 9125... full cone test failed
testing port 9126... full cone test failed
testing port 9127... full cone test failed
testing port 9128... full cone test failed
testing port 9129... full cone test failed
testing port 9130... full cone test failed
testing port 9131... full cone test failed
testing port 9132... full cone test failed
testing port 9133... full cone test failed
testing port 9134... full cone test failed
testing port 9135... full cone test failed
testing port 9136... full cone test failed
testing port 9137... full cone test failed
testing port 9138... full cone test failed
testing port 9139... full cone test failed
testing port 9140... full cone test failed
testing port 9141... full cone test failed
testing port 9142... full cone test failed
testing port 9143... full cone test failed
testing port 9144... full cone test failed
testing port 9145... full cone test failed
testing port 9146... full cone test failed
testing port 9147... full cone test failed
testing port 9148... full cone test failed
testing port 9149... full cone test failed
testing port 9150... full cone test failed
testing port 9151... full cone test failed
testing port 9152... full cone test failed
testing port 9153... full cone test failed
testing port 9154... full cone test failed
testing port 9155... full cone test failed
testing port 9156... full cone test failed
testing port 9157... full cone test failed
testing port 9158... full cone test failed
testing port 9159... full cone test failed
testing port 9160... full cone test failed
testing port 9161... full cone test failed
testing port 9162... full cone test failed
testing port 9163... full cone test failed
testing port 9164... full cone test failed
testing port 9165... full cone test failed
testing port 9166... full cone test failed
testing port 9167... full cone test failed
testing port 9168... full cone test failed
testing port 9169... full cone test failed
testing port 9170... full cone test failed
testing port 9171... full cone test failed
testing port 9172... full cone test failed
testing port 9173... full cone test failed
testing port 9174... full cone test failed
testing port 9175... full cone test failed
testing port 9176... full cone test failed
testing port 9177... full cone test failed
testing port 9178... full cone test failed
testing port 9179... full cone test failed
testing port 9180... full cone test failed
testing port 9181... full cone test failed
testing port 9182... full cone test failed
testing port 9183... full cone test failed
testing port 9184... full cone test failed
testing port 9185... full cone test failed
testing port 9186... full cone test failed
testing port 9187... full cone test failed
testing port 9188... full cone test failed
testing port 9189... full cone test failed
testing port 9190... full cone test failed
testing port 9191... full cone test failed
testing port 9192... full cone test failed
testing port 9193... full cone test failed
testing port 9194... full cone test failed
testing port 9195... full cone test failed
testing port 9196... full cone test failed
testing port 9197... full cone test failed
testing port 9198... full cone test failed
testing port 9199... full cone test failed
testing port 9200... full cone test failed
testing port 9201... full cone test failed
testing port 9202... full cone test failed
testing port 9203... full cone test failed
testing port 9204... full cone test failed
testing port 9205... full cone test failed
testing port 9206... full cone test failed
testing port 9207... full cone test failed
testing port 9208... full cone test failed
testing port 9209... full cone test failed
testing port 9210... full cone test failed
testing port 9211... full cone test failed
testing port 9212... full cone test failed
testing port 9213... full cone test failed
testing port 9214... full cone test failed
testing port 9215... full cone test failed
testing port 9216... full cone test failed
testing port 9217... full cone test failed
testing port 9218... full cone test failed
testing port 9219... full cone test failed
testing port 9220... full cone test failed
testing port 9221... full cone test failed
testing port 9222... full cone test failed
testing port 9223... full cone test failed
testing port 9224... full cone test failed
testing port 9225... full cone test failed
testing port 9226... full cone test failed
testing port 9227... full cone test failed
testing port 9228... full cone test failed
testing port 9229... full cone test failed
testing port 9230... full cone test failed
testing port 9231... full cone test failed
testing port 9232... full cone test failed
testing port 9233... full cone test failed
testing port 9234... full cone test failed
testing port 9235... full cone test failed
testing port 9236... full cone test failed
testing port 9237... full cone test failed
testing port 9238... full cone test failed
testing port 9239... full cone test failed
testing port 9240... full cone test failed
testing port 9241... full cone test failed
testing port 9242... full cone test failed
testing port 9243... full cone test failed
testing port 9244... full cone test failed
testing port 9245... full cone test failed
testing port 9246... full cone test failed
testing port 9247... full cone test failed
testing port 9248... full cone test failed
testing port 9249... full cone test failed
testing port 9250... full cone test failed
testing port 9251... full cone test failed
testing port 9252... full cone test failed
testing port 9253... full cone test failed
testing port 9254... full cone test failed
testing port 9255... full cone test failed
starting service... done

Te comento que instale 3CX en una miniPC con Windows 10 en mi hogar, y se está utilizando el firewall propio de Windows.


Hola @mauro19.
Un placer el poder saludarte nuevamente.
Según verifico en los resultado que te arrojó la prueba de Firewall, tienes inconvenientes en todos los puertos que requiere la central para funcionar correctamente.
¿Haz abierto los mismos en tu Routter / módem de internet?
¿Tienes mínimos conocimiento en redes a fin de realizar dicho procedimiento?
¿Qué uso pretendes darle a 3Cx?
Permaneciendo al aguardo de tus comentarios, te envío un cordial saludo!
Estimado, voy a realizar la apertura de los puertos en el módem. Respecto al uso del 3CX, es para fines academicos.

Saludos y gracias por los comentarios.
Muy bien Mauro,
en los siguientes 2 documentos puedes encontrar información que te será de utilidad en dicho procedimiento
1) https://www.3cx.com/docs/firewall-router-configuration-voip/
2) https://www.3cx.com/blog/docs/ports-used/
Lo que necesites solo házmelo saber!
Hola @mauro19

Si lo único que deseas es ingresar a la PBX de manera remota solo debes hacer el reenvío del puerto HTTPS de la central en tu router/firewall en TCP, por defecto es el 5001 al menos que hayas indicado otro en el proceso de instalación.

Los puertos que revisa el Firewall Checker es únicamente en UDP y son los puertos SIP, RTP, Túnel que solo los necesitarás en dado caso que tengas extensiones remotas y desees conectar un proveedor VoIP. El puerto HTTPS es únicamente TCP y esto no es posible comprobarlo con el Firewall Checker.

Por lo tanto realiza una preservación de puerto para este y los ajustes necesarios de NAT para que puedas acceder desde cualquier otra IP externa.

Donde tienes instalado el servidor debes desactivar los antivirus y en el firewall de windows verificas que no tengas algún tipo de bloqueo para el puerto HTTPS.

Para mayor información puedes consultar los enlaces que te ha compartido @guillermo

Un saludo!
Estimados, saludos nuevamente, hace unas horas retomé el tema del router. He realizado una apertura de puertos, y el resultado de la prueba de firewall es la siguiente:
resolving 'stun.3cx.com'... done
resolving 'stun2.3cx.com'... done
resolving 'stun3.3cx.com'... done
testing 3CX SIP Server... done
stopping service... done
testing port 5060... done
testing port 5060... done
starting service... done
testing 3CX Tunneling Proxy... failed (How to resolve?)
stopping service... done
testing port 5090... failed
testing port 5090... unmatched mapping (22586)
starting service... done
testing 3CX Media Server... failed (How to resolve?)
stopping service... done
testing ports [9000..9255]... failed
testing port 9000... unmatched mapping (22589)
testing port 9001... unmatched mapping (22590)
testing port 9002... unmatched mapping (22591)
testing port 9003... unmatched mapping (22592)
testing port 9004... unmatched mapping (22593)
testing port 9005... unmatched mapping (22594)
testing port 9006... unmatched mapping (22595)
testing port 9007... unmatched mapping (22596)
testing port 9008... unmatched mapping (22597)
testing port 9009... unmatched mapping (22598)
testing port 9010... unmatched mapping (22599)
testing port 9011... unmatched mapping (22600)
testing port 9012... unmatched mapping (22601)
testing port 9013... unmatched mapping (22602)
testing port 9014... unmatched mapping (22603)
testing port 9015... unmatched mapping (22604)
testing port 9016... unmatched mapping (22605)
testing port 9017... unmatched mapping (22606)
testing port 9018... unmatched mapping (22607)
testing port 9019... unmatched mapping (22608)
testing port 9020... unmatched mapping (22609)
testing port 9021... unmatched mapping (22610)
testing port 9022... unmatched mapping (22611)
testing port 9023... unmatched mapping (22613)
testing port 9024... unmatched mapping (22614)
testing port 9025... unmatched mapping (22615)
testing port 9026... unmatched mapping (22616)
testing port 9027... unmatched mapping (22617)
testing port 9028... unmatched mapping (22618)
testing port 9029... unmatched mapping (22619)
testing port 9030... unmatched mapping (22620)
testing port 9031... unmatched mapping (22621)
testing port 9032... unmatched mapping (22622)
testing port 9033... unmatched mapping (22623)
testing port 9034... unmatched mapping (22624)
testing port 9035... unmatched mapping (22625)
testing port 9036... unmatched mapping (22626)
testing port 9037... unmatched mapping (22627)
testing port 9038... unmatched mapping (22628)
testing port 9039... unmatched mapping (22629)
testing port 9040... unmatched mapping (22630)
testing port 9041... unmatched mapping (22631)
testing port 9042... unmatched mapping (22632)
testing port 9043... unmatched mapping (22633)
testing port 9044... unmatched mapping (22634)
testing port 9045... unmatched mapping (22635)
testing port 9046... unmatched mapping (22636)
testing port 9047... unmatched mapping (22637)
testing port 9048... unmatched mapping (22638)
testing port 9049... unmatched mapping (22639)
testing port 9050... unmatched mapping (22640)
testing port 9051... unmatched mapping (22641)
testing port 9052... unmatched mapping (22642)
testing port 9053... unmatched mapping (22643)
testing port 9054... unmatched mapping (22644)
testing port 9055... unmatched mapping (22645)
testing port 9056... unmatched mapping (22646)
testing port 9057... unmatched mapping (22647)
testing port 9058... unmatched mapping (22648)
testing port 9059... unmatched mapping (22649)
testing port 9060... unmatched mapping (22650)
testing port 9061... unmatched mapping (22651)
testing port 9062... unmatched mapping (22652)
testing port 9063... unmatched mapping (22653)
testing port 9064... unmatched mapping (22654)
testing port 9065... unmatched mapping (22655)
testing port 9066... unmatched mapping (22656)
testing port 9067... unmatched mapping (22657)
testing port 9068... unmatched mapping (22658)
testing port 9069... unmatched mapping (22659)
testing port 9070... unmatched mapping (22660)
testing port 9071... unmatched mapping (22661)
testing port 9072... unmatched mapping (22662)
testing port 9073... unmatched mapping (22663)
testing port 9074... unmatched mapping (22664)
testing port 9075... unmatched mapping (22665)
testing port 9076... unmatched mapping (22668)
testing port 9077... unmatched mapping (22670)
testing port 9078... unmatched mapping (22672)
testing port 9079... unmatched mapping (22673)
testing port 9080... unmatched mapping (22674)
testing port 9081... unmatched mapping (22675)
testing port 9082... unmatched mapping (22676)
testing port 9083... unmatched mapping (22677)
testing port 9084... unmatched mapping (22678)
testing port 9085... unmatched mapping (22679)
testing port 9086... unmatched mapping (22680)
testing port 9087... unmatched mapping (22681)
testing port 9088... unmatched mapping (22682)
testing port 9089... unmatched mapping (22683)
testing port 9090... unmatched mapping (22684)
testing port 9091... unmatched mapping (22685)
testing port 9092... unmatched mapping (22689)
testing port 9093... unmatched mapping (22691)
testing port 9094... unmatched mapping (22692)
testing port 9095... unmatched mapping (22693)
testing port 9096... unmatched mapping (22694)
testing port 9097... unmatched mapping (22695)
testing port 9098... unmatched mapping (22696)
testing port 9099... unmatched mapping (22697)
testing port 9100... unmatched mapping (22698)
testing port 9101... unmatched mapping (22699)
testing port 9102... unmatched mapping (22700)
testing port 9103... unmatched mapping (22701)
testing port 9104... unmatched mapping (22702)
testing port 9105... unmatched mapping (22703)
testing port 9106... unmatched mapping (22704)
testing port 9107... unmatched mapping (22705)
testing port 9108... unmatched mapping (22706)
testing port 9109... unmatched mapping (22707)
testing port 9110... unmatched mapping (22708)
testing port 9111... unmatched mapping (22709)
testing port 9112... unmatched mapping (22710)
testing port 9113... unmatched mapping (22711)
testing port 9114... unmatched mapping (22712)
testing port 9115... unmatched mapping (22713)
testing port 9116... unmatched mapping (22714)
testing port 9117... unmatched mapping (22715)
testing port 9118... unmatched mapping (22716)
testing port 9119... unmatched mapping (22717)
testing port 9120... unmatched mapping (22718)
testing port 9121... unmatched mapping (22719)
testing port 9122... unmatched mapping (22720)
testing port 9123... unmatched mapping (22721)
testing port 9124... unmatched mapping (22722)
testing port 9125... unmatched mapping (22723)
testing port 9126... unmatched mapping (22724)
testing port 9127... unmatched mapping (22726)
testing port 9128... unmatched mapping (22727)
testing port 9129... unmatched mapping (22728)
testing port 9130... unmatched mapping (22729)
testing port 9131... unmatched mapping (22730)
testing port 9132... unmatched mapping (22731)
testing port 9133... unmatched mapping (22732)
testing port 9134... unmatched mapping (22733)
testing port 9135... unmatched mapping (22734)
testing port 9136... unmatched mapping (22735)
testing port 9137... unmatched mapping (22736)
testing port 9138... unmatched mapping (22737)
testing port 9139... unmatched mapping (22738)
testing port 9140... unmatched mapping (22739)
testing port 9141... unmatched mapping (22740)
testing port 9142... unmatched mapping (22741)
testing port 9143... unmatched mapping (22742)
testing port 9144... unmatched mapping (22743)
testing port 9145... unmatched mapping (22744)
testing port 9146... unmatched mapping (22745)
testing port 9147... unmatched mapping (22746)
testing port 9148... unmatched mapping (22747)
testing port 9149... unmatched mapping (22748)
testing port 9150... unmatched mapping (22749)
testing port 9151... unmatched mapping (22750)
testing port 9152... unmatched mapping (22751)
testing port 9153... unmatched mapping (22752)
testing port 9154... unmatched mapping (22753)
testing port 9155... unmatched mapping (22754)
testing port 9156... unmatched mapping (22755)
testing port 9157... unmatched mapping (22756)
testing port 9158... unmatched mapping (22757)
testing port 9159... unmatched mapping (22758)
testing port 9160... unmatched mapping (22759)
testing port 9161... unmatched mapping (22760)
testing port 9162... unmatched mapping (22763)
testing port 9163... unmatched mapping (22764)
testing port 9164... unmatched mapping (22765)
testing port 9165... unmatched mapping (22766)
testing port 9166... unmatched mapping (22769)
testing port 9167... unmatched mapping (22772)
testing port 9168... unmatched mapping (22773)
testing port 9169... unmatched mapping (22774)
testing port 9170... unmatched mapping (22775)
testing port 9171... unmatched mapping (22780)
testing port 9172... unmatched mapping (22811)
testing port 9173... unmatched mapping (22814)
testing port 9174... unmatched mapping (22815)
testing port 9175... unmatched mapping (22816)
testing port 9176... unmatched mapping (22817)
testing port 9177... unmatched mapping (22818)
testing port 9178... unmatched mapping (22819)
testing port 9179... unmatched mapping (22820)
testing port 9180... unmatched mapping (22821)
testing port 9181... unmatched mapping (22822)
testing port 9182... unmatched mapping (22823)
testing port 9183... unmatched mapping (22824)
testing port 9184... unmatched mapping (22827)
testing port 9185... unmatched mapping (22828)
testing port 9186... unmatched mapping (22829)
testing port 9187... unmatched mapping (22831)
testing port 9188... unmatched mapping (22832)
testing port 9189... unmatched mapping (22833)
testing port 9190... unmatched mapping (22836)
testing port 9191... unmatched mapping (22837)
testing port 9192... unmatched mapping (22838)
testing port 9193... unmatched mapping (22839)
testing port 9194... unmatched mapping (22840)
testing port 9195... unmatched mapping (22841)
testing port 9196... unmatched mapping (22842)
testing port 9197... unmatched mapping (22843)
testing port 9198... unmatched mapping (22844)
testing port 9199... unmatched mapping (22845)
testing port 9200... unmatched mapping (22848)
testing port 9201... unmatched mapping (22849)
testing port 9202... unmatched mapping (22850)
testing port 9203... unmatched mapping (22851)
testing port 9204... unmatched mapping (22852)
testing port 9205... unmatched mapping (22853)
testing port 9206... unmatched mapping (22854)
testing port 9207... unmatched mapping (22855)
testing port 9208... unmatched mapping (22856)
testing port 9209... unmatched mapping (22857)
testing port 9210... unmatched mapping (22858)
testing port 9211... unmatched mapping (22859)
testing port 9212... unmatched mapping (22860)
testing port 9213... unmatched mapping (22861)
testing port 9214... unmatched mapping (22862)
testing port 9215... unmatched mapping (22863)
testing port 9216... unmatched mapping (22864)
testing port 9217... unmatched mapping (22865)
testing port 9218... unmatched mapping (22868)
testing port 9219... unmatched mapping (22869)
testing port 9220... unmatched mapping (22870)
testing port 9221... unmatched mapping (22871)
testing port 9222... unmatched mapping (22872)
testing port 9223... unmatched mapping (22873)
testing port 9224... unmatched mapping (22874)
testing port 9225... unmatched mapping (22877)
testing port 9226... unmatched mapping (22878)
testing port 9227... unmatched mapping (22879)
testing port 9228... unmatched mapping (22881)
testing port 9229... unmatched mapping (22883)
testing port 9230... unmatched mapping (22884)
testing port 9231... unmatched mapping (22885)
testing port 9232... unmatched mapping (22886)
testing port 9233... unmatched mapping (22887)
testing port 9234... unmatched mapping (22888)
testing port 9235... unmatched mapping (22889)
testing port 9236... unmatched mapping (22890)
testing port 9237... unmatched mapping (22891)
testing port 9238... unmatched mapping (22892)
testing port 9239... unmatched mapping (22893)
testing port 9240... unmatched mapping (22894)
testing port 9241... unmatched mapping (22895)
testing port 9242... unmatched mapping (22896)
testing port 9243... unmatched mapping (22897)
testing port 9244... unmatched mapping (22898)
testing port 9245... unmatched mapping (22899)
testing port 9246... unmatched mapping (22900)
testing port 9247... unmatched mapping (22901)
testing port 9248... unmatched mapping (22902)
testing port 9249... unmatched mapping (22904)
testing port 9250... unmatched mapping (22905)
testing port 9251... unmatched mapping (22906)
testing port 9252... unmatched mapping (22907)
testing port 9253... unmatched mapping (22908)
testing port 9254... unmatched mapping (22909)
testing port 9255... unmatched mapping (22910)
starting service... done

Puedo identificar que se ha corregido, pero no del todo. El equipo router es un TP Link td-w8901g. ¿Qué me puede estar faltando?
Hola @mauro19

Debes hacer el reenvío de puertos para el 5060 (UDP y TCP) que corresponde a SIP, el rango 9000-9500 (UDP) para RTP y el puerto 5090 (UDP y TCP) que es para el túnel.

En ese mismo router debes deshabilitar el parámetro SIP ALG para evitar ajustes en los paquetes SIP.

También es necesario que hagas la preservación de puertos con esto quiero decir si la PBX hace la solicitud tanto interna como externa con un puerto este no se debe cambiar. Ejemplo solicitud interna del 5060 solicitud externa también por el 5060.

Si hay un modem u otro dispositivo delante de este router debes revisarlo y hacer la misma configuración o agregar la IP de ese router a un DMZ.

Para mayor información te invito a que revises la siguiente documentación:



Un saludo!
Estimados, he validado que mi IP Pública no es fija, es dinámica. ¿Se puede corregir ese detalle en la configuración?
Hola @mauro19

Si, si lo puedes cambiar.

En el tablero de control ve hasta la pestaña de ajustes --> Red y ahí podrás cambiar el tipo de IP pública de estática a dinámica.

Hola @mauro19,
Buenas noches.
Efectivamente sí, ejecutando los pasos brindados por Alejandro, o en caso contrario de que no te funcione reinstalando, previamente hacerun backUp de la config actual, y en al Web Configuration Tool seleccionando en los pasos que teindica "Dinamic IP" en la pestaña correspondiente.
te envío un fuerte abrazo
@mauro19 realmente no debes hacer alguna desinstalación si lo único que deseas es cambiar la IP pública de estática a dinámica.

Esto lo haces en la sección que te comenté SETTINGS ----- RED ---- External IP Configuration

Hay algo que debes tomar en cuenta y es la propagación de los DNS, cuando hagas el cambio de IP se actualiza en nuestro servidores y probablemente al hacer PING sobre tu FQDN se muestre la IP anterior sin embargo esta propagación puede tardar por lo menos 2 horas, ya esto no lo manejamos nosotros.

Mi recomendación sería que al hacer este ajuste hagas un flush de tus DNS para borrar el caché y no tengas problema al resolver el fqdn con la nueva ip.

Estimados, gracias por su paciencia y colaboración. Disculpen si mis preguntas son obvias, tengo un nuevo inconveniente: no puedo ingresar por la vía URL a 3CX. Hace una semana lo podía hacer, ahora ya no. Estuve ingresando por Google Chrome, probé con Microsoft Edge y tampoco. El mensaje del navegador de Google es ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. Necesito ayuda.
Hola @mauro19, buenas noches.
Al contrario, a vos por consultar en este foro.
Muy bien, esto puede deberse a una innumerable cantidad de razones.
Por favor, envíame mediante esta vía (SOLO LA URL, NO LAS CREDENCIALES DE ACCESO) a fin de poder descartar varias posibilidades.
Permanezco atento, gracias.xxxx
Aquí va https: //mauro.3cx.es:5001/#/login

@mauro19 por el momento no puedo ingresar por que tienes el equipo en donde la central se encuentra instalado apagado.
En cuanto leas esto, déjalo encendido al menos por 8 horas para asegurarme de estar en línea jaja. Una ves constate si se puede acceder o no, procederemos según corresponda.
Si no deseas esperar,
puedes reinstalar la central recuerda previamente hacer un backUp de tus configuraciones, al momento de realizarlo
1) Desmarcá el tilde de 2Configuración SQDN y licencia"
2) Ingresando a
con tu usuario y contraseña los cuales debiste haber recibido en el E-mail de bienvenida cuando descargaste la central y recibiste la licencia free.
Si no disponés de ellos,
ingresa aquí
y podrás re-ssetear tu contraseña. En Login, ingresa tu nombre de usuario, efectuá la verificación humana, y le das a Submit. Recibirás un correo electrónico con detalles para recuperar tus datos.
¿No recuerdas tu login?
Ingresando a "I forgot my login" podrás recuperarlo.
Una ves dentro del sistema, visualizarás una tabla con datos de tu licencia, como ser tu Licence Key, IP, SQDN entre otros. Junto a dicha información encontrarás una opción llamada "Delette" pulsá, le das aceptar, y así desvincularás el SQDN de tu código de licencia.
Al momento de realizar la nueva instalación, dispondrás de la posibilidad de escoger un nuevo SQDN, no utilices el que acabas de desvincular, escoge otro. Con esto los inconvenientes ya deberían solucionarse.
Cualquier cosa me lo hacés saber.
Te envío mis más cordiales saludos
Hola @mauro19

El FQDN mauro.3cx.es resuelve a la ip, es esta tu IP pública?

Verifica que sea la ip pública de tu red donde está la pbx.

Por otro lado, si esa es la IP pública he verificado que el puerto 5001 está cerrado en tu router.

No has hecho el reenvío de puerto para el puerto HTTPS 5001 en tu router/firewall.

Estimados, disculpen por contestar recién. Mi IP pública en este momento es, y en la central está configurada la que mencionas. Ya realicé el reenvío de puerto, pero sigo sin acceder. ¿Dejo el equipo encendido?
Hola Mauro si tu ip pública cambio por favor configura que la pbx maneje ip publica dinámica para que el fqdn pueda resolver la nueva ip.

Si ingresas a Ajustes ----> red ahí haces los cambios de ip externa.

Si son diferentes no podras ingresar.
Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.

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