Configuration of two different gateway on the pbx


30 Aug 2017
Good day
Please how can I configure two different sim gateway to elastix and I can use different phone to receive and route out call on each line
Actually there is an existing line where call is being route out but need to add another Sim gateway for a particular conference phone so I want that phone to be able to use the new Sim gateway.
Good day
Please how can I configure two different sim gateway to elastix and I can use different phone to receive and route out call on each line
Actually there is an existing line where call is being route out but need to add another Sim gateway for a particular conference phone so I want that phone to be able to use the new Sim gateway.

Hello Bayonet!

I wonder if you are using elastix version 5?
I don't have access to the pbx now
But I guess it is version 5
Please can you put me through on 5
Basically if you have a supported GSM gateway you can integrate to the pbx with a sip trunk as showed on the configuration guide:

Once you have the trunk configured you need to set your outbound route, need to set one criteria at least such as prefix, digit lenght, from extension or group extensions, or a mix of these. It is used to match the dialed number.

So you can set that the outbound route is only used by the conference phone.

Then for the outbound route you set the new SIP trunk where is the new gateway.

Here is a documentation about how to set the outbound route in elastix 5:

Best regards!
Check the version now
It is 2.6
Please I need your support on this:
To use it on two different sim gateway currently am us Neogate Tg100, when call is made now it only use the existing link
Check the version now
It is 2.6
Please I need your support on this:
To use it on two different sim gateway currently am us Neogate Tg100, when call is made now it only use the existing link

Hello Bayonet, kindly note that you must make the post in the forums for elastix version 2.X

This forum is only for version 5.

Have a great day!

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